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Loukya Constructions Offers Professional And Technical Skills To Plan, Design, And Supervise The Construction Of A Diverse Range Of Services From Concept Development To Delivery.

icon_widget_image Monday-Saturday: 8am to 6pm icon_widget_image 295 3rd Floor Silver Square Building, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066 icon_widget_image + (91) 97435 04579 info@loukyaconstruction.com
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Our Process

Etiam scelerisque tortor at lectus dapibus, nec fermentum diam feugiat. Morbi rutrum magna et dui.




Project planning involves creating a roadmap for the construction process, determining timelines, budgets, and resources needed to execute the project successfully.


Real estate involves the buying, selling, and development of land or property, including identifying potential sites for construction projects.


Architecture involves designing the layout, structure, and style of the building, while also taking into consideration factors such as sustainability, functionality, and aesthetics.

Construction involves the actual physical work of building the structure, including excavation, laying foundations, and erecting walls, among other tasks.